Where do you attend school?  "I'm a Junior at The Bronx High School of Science, Bronx, New York." 

What are your favorite subjects? "Math and Computer Science because of how applicable they are to daily life."  

Why are you passionate about Calculators Solve Problems? "I am extremely passionate about Calculators Solve Problems because I have seen how much of an impact it can have on our community. The couple of hours we spent unboxing and cleaning calculators opened my eyes to just how many students could be impacted by our work. This one tool opens so many doors and creates so many new opportunities for students who aren’t able to access the proper resources to get the right education. Through CSP we offer an easier way for people to dispose of their calculators and ship them right where they need to go. I firmly believe that by providing this option we are able to create a huge initiative that stretches beyond just our Bronx Science community and that is something that I really want to participate in facilitating. I hope to use my position to bring more opportunities to students throughout the country!"

What do you do for fun?  "I love trying new places to eat and exploring new cuisines. This hobby allows me to gain insight on different cultures and expand my palate. Moreover, I really enjoy keeping up with politics and current events so that I can stay up-to-date with everything that is happening in the world."